Here's what's left, who wants what? :)
1 old short couch
2 old steel file cabinets
1 old TV
1 old computer equipment, monitor, keyboard, speakers
girl clothes size 10-12
stuffed animals
set of 8 apple dishes
hmmmmmmm I know there's more... I just can't think what it is right now.
Also? Who broke OT? I wanted to post the first discussion topic for the book club. *pout*
If you hadn't said "couch" at the end of that first item on the list, I would have thought you were talking about yourself.
What's an apple dish? Or wait... is it just a dish with an apple pattern?
Putting "old" in front of everything doesn't make me want to buy your stuff.
Who said buy? I didn't put any prices on this stuff here.
*takes my old stuff and combines it with Breezy's*
I've been having problems with OT for a week now. No one believed me. Ha.
I am almost finished with the book and wanted to get in there to talk about it myself. *pout*
I want the girl clothes - that's what Kayla will be wearing in a year or so.
And OT is broke for me, too.
I was afraid I'd been banned.
Then I got paranoid wondering how they knew what computer I was logging in from.
Then I came here.
Now all is good!
I finished the book and loved it! I'm trying to decide how far in we should have the first discussion. Unless everyone is done, then we'll just discuss the whole book. I forgot it at home, which pisses me off. There was a couple lines in there that scream to be posted, basically about the mindset of the people in Afghanastan and all the sects.
so let's say I wanted the old couch. Would I have to come get it or would you deliver it? I don't want it, I'm just curious. Well, I mean, if it will get you to my house, I do want it.
I have a link on my tv blog to the Friday Night Lights thread of RTVW. So when I click on it, it takes me there but then I click on OT or SYTYCD and it craps out. Oh and I tried to reply on the FNL thread just to see what would happen but it craps out there too.
I've already been to your house, twice. Your turn.
All items must be picked up at my house.
Save the speakers for me. I'll pick them up in September. *grin*
Upon further pondering, I have determined that Bravie and Wayne crashed OT comparing their bait.
Perhaps, Boo. But I have fixed it now. *grin*
I will take the first three items, please. Think I can carry them back on the ferry? *giggle*
I'm almost finished with the book, Breezy. I'm on the last section and plan to finish it by Wed. morning. Sooooo good.
hmmm... very true.
Kimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I sent you an email, I have too many address for you.
Wow, Kim and I are now at the same place.
I just finished crying through those last 10 or so pages.
I like this better than Kite Runner.
And I'm still having troubles with OT. I can get to, but not to message boards.
Wow! Everything you have on your list is something that we either just got rid of or are waiting to get rid of.
Except for the 8 apple dishes. I'll take those if Glowie doesn't want them.
Oh, I sent you a PM, btw.
I need a filing cabinet, but I might be able to buy a new one for the same amount of money it would take me to drive to your house to pick up the free one. :)
No OT problems here, but I'm still asleep while most of you are on OT. Hopefully our neighborhood is going to have a community garage sale in August, so bring your stuff over and I'll sell it for you.
Am I the only one that had to giggle that Breezy has a "short" couch?
*giggles and runs*
*giggles with Nookie*
*stretches out comfortably on couch*
*gives Breezy the "Petites Unite" hand sign*
Now you tell me you've got an old computer after I bought the laptop!
I remember being freaked out quite a few times when OT was broken. Now I don't even notice because I hardly ever get to play there.
Don't you owe me an email? Miss Bossypants said so! *grin*
Yes Lightsy, she does owe you an email. and don't let her tell you some bullshit lie like I didn't tell her to email you. Because I did tell her. she doesn't follow my directions very well because she's usually busy ignoring me. *grin*
Is there any potato salad left? I'll take some of that.
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