Friday, July 06, 2007

Missed Taylor

DD, BF and I had tickets to the country concert at Summer Celebration last night. BF ended up having to work late and DD and I waited awhile for him before taking off for the concert. We missed Taylor Swift. She was to take the stage at 6:30, we got down there around 7:15 and she was done already. *gasp* (I heard later that they pulled her from the stage when they saw lightening.) DD and I gorged on carni food... well ok DD gorged on carni food. I only had one basket of deep fried veggies (cauliflower, mushroom and onion rings).

It started raining and the wind was blowing 45-50 miles an hour! But... then it stopped and then sun came out.

Rodney Atkins was great, dang he does have a very nice voice. He brought out his little boy for the end of "Watchin' You". awwwww that was sweet.

Phil Vassar was his usual energetic self. He didn't do any flips this concert, but he did run all over the stage when he wasn't playing the piano. I knew he sang. I love concerts like that.

Saturday night I'll be seeing INXS! Woohooooooo!!!! And the best part? Kimmer will be with me!!! Wooohoooooooo!!!!


Zombs said...

The only people I know who you are talking about are INXS and Kim.

But mmm...carnie food.

Bravie said...

Mmmmmm, carni food. *burp*

momma said...

I am so jealous you got to see Phil Vassar and Rodney Atkins.

yvonne said...

I love Phil Vassar. Too bad about Taylor Swift...I like her.

Love Rodney Atkins, too.

Have fun, Breezy!

Breezy said...

Mommmmmmmaaaaaa, next year you should come here for the country concert at SC. *grin*

Breezy said...

I like Taylor too, I was bummed we missed her.

kim (weltek) said...

I'm very, very, very, very excited about this weekend. Breezy + INXS, two of my favorite things. Oooh, and carnie food.

Breezy said...

mmmmm I think I need a big thing of butterfly chips.

Kimmah said...

carni food makes me urpy now, but i'm glad you enjoyed. inxs...that will be awesome. y'all have a great time and take lots of drunken photos, please.

kim (weltek) said...

Drinking? Us? *innocent eyes*

Breezy said...

Ack! Please don't use those bad words in my blog.

*grin* I don't drink..... well anymore. ugh. Mixing all sorts of alcohol.... is not good.

kim (weltek) said...


Puffy said...

who? what?