I had to hide the book from myself last night. I knew if I started it, I wouldn't be able to put it down.... so I'm waiting til tonight after work. Then I can totally relax with a drink, put my feet up and sink into the newest Plum book!!! Woooooooooohoooooooooo I can't wait!!!!
Is it 5 o'clock yet? *looks at watch*
Trade ya places. I'll be watching a 3 year old tonight while my inlaws are at a baseball game. Hrmph.
Mine is on route from Amazon. I figure tomorrow afternoon I will be sitting on the back deck with my book, a beverage, and the summer sun. If I pretend hard enough I can imagine I'm actually on the beach.
This is Evanovich, yes? Apparently my neighbor has them, and I intend to borrow them. I'm just such a slow reader. Well, compared to you anyway.
oooooh! That reminds me! I have to send 12 to momma.
I read Manhunt and Thanksgiving when I was on vacation and then I read the last 50 pages or so of 12 when we got back. (forgot to take it in the car)
Sounds like you're going to have a great night. enjoy!
Is that the amount of minutes it takes to read one of her books? I think that's how long it took me to read her Christmas one a few years ago.
*sticks out tongue*
I still need to read 12.
What will you do when it gets to 21? You don't have that many fingers and toes to use.
*GASP* Did Kim actually come to your blog and diss Janet???
I have one thing to say to Kim...
Squirrel bomb.
I know!!! Augie. *shakes head*
*beaver bombs Kim*
How was the book?
It was good. *giggle*
*pokes head out*
So, how was it? :-)
Hi, I'm Repetitive Question Girl!
*possum bombs Kim*
It appears you are on vacation and have not properly notified us.
I thought you were going to have some sorta virtual yard sale or something.
Is anyone home?
*brings ice cream with sprinkles*
*runs in with pitcher of sangria and splooshes it allover floor*
*licks the floor*
*brings in David Hasselhoff, dumps him on the floor*
*stops licking floor*
*throws Brangelina on the floor*
*covers innocent eyes*
*licks floor again*
Bravie! Stop licking the floor! I'm not sure anyone mopped it after you peed on it.
I think I just threw up a little.
Oh, and I had some beans for dinner last night. *poooot*
Hey Breezy! Hope you enjoy 13! I need a good book to read. I've been reading a bunch that my Mom gave me and they're not doing it for me.
Has anyone read Beginningsex? I heard it was good. *grin*
Lightsy, I was just thinking this morning about buying some sort of book like that.
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