Thursday, December 27, 2007

Well did ya?

Did ya get everything you wanted for Christmas? How about the cookies? Did everyone get both shipments of cookies? Let me know if I need to crack some heads. *giggle*

Christmas here was pretty nice. I got a bunch of new Packer shirts form my Mom! Yay!!! BF got me a nice fleece shirt, perfume and socks. I, unlike Estee, love socks. *giggle*

Then with a bunch of my Christmas money in my grubby little hands... I went to Target yesterday and finally bought a Dyson. Holey Crap!!! Does this thing suck! Anyone need anything vacuumed?


Bravie said...

I did pretty well in the gift department. No complaints.
With the additional cat at home it feel slike I have to vacuum every damn day. So yes, please fly here with your Dyson and vacuum my house. Please and thank you.

Breezy said...

So you want me to fly on my vacuum? Are you calling me a witch?

Bravie said...

You're always mixing up the letters "w" and "b".

Anonymous said...

I did great in the gift department. I want to wear my Chris Cooley jersey everyday. Have I told you lately how much I love Chris Cooley? Love, love, love him. Woot!

Oh, and I need to blog about my other cookie shipment. I got it on Monday. To be honest, I had completely forgotten that another shipment was coming.

Anonymous said...

I am going to Target today to spend one of my gift cards. I can't decide what to get. Here is a list *grin* of what I'm pondering:

A carrybag for my scrapping stuff (It's a small one - $19)

Some new workout tops

Iced tea maker for the office

New makeup

Breezy said...

I would get the carrybag and workout tops. In fact I plan on buying a new workout outfit this weekend and then joining a gym.

I'm trying to decide what project to do next.

Bravie said...

I think you should buy flip flops.
There ya go, glad I could help.

Anonymous said...

I think I will buy everything but the makeup. I may have to pay $20 of my own money.

I need the workout tops because I am really kicking up the cardio and won't be able to wear them more than once. And I need the carry bag. And I need the iced tea maker for work because I am giving up coffee. I can't drink coffee without a lot of flavor, which is too fattening.

It is too cold for flip flops.

Breezy said...

I have to give up my Diet Coke, so glad I never liked coffee.

Bravie said...

I switched to diet 7-UP years ago when I was on weight watchers. I need bubbly drinks. I also gave up most of the fattening additives for my coffee. I now drink it with about a tablespoon of cream.

Bravie said...

And it's never too cold for flip flops.

dragonflies said...

I got both sets of cookiez. Thanks again for organizing that Breezy!

I got a really good camera, so I am happy with the material gift. My kids are happy, so that makes me happy too.

I have 2 Kohls gift cards, some Starbucks, Panera, Culvers, Gas Cards. I stopped at Starbucks this morning for chai. yum.

Anonymous said...

Fricking Target.

They didn't have the scrap bag. So I bought some other storage items, 2 tops, the iced tea machine and some personal products. Then the dumbaras sales person didn't tell me not to put my card in, so she couldn't take off my $50 gift card. Then the customer service line was too long. Then someone's kid hit me in the back. The father told him no, but never acknoledged that he hit me. No apologies, no nothing.


Puffy said...

I got both of my cookiez shipments. They were a couple of weeks apart, which kept me snacking on cookiez for 3 weeks. *oink*

In fact I was just munching on a chocolate chip cookie and a peanut butter cookie a few minutes ago.

I used a gift card at Bath and Body Works today.

Kimmah said...

I heart my Dyson most mightily, yes I do.

Bravie is right--it's never too cold for flip flops. I wore some today as a matter of fact.

Oh, and Bravie, when you read this and I know you will because I can just sense these things, would you please email me the link to thy new blog? I've been very hermitesque and out of it for some time now, but I think I'd like to be social again. kimmmmah at gmail. gracias.

And thank you Breezy for letting me use your comment section as my own personal message board. Merry Two Days After Christmas.

Breezy said...

That'll be $2.50, please.

Kimmah said...

do you take visa?

mtw said...

Hmmph! I didn't really get anything I wanted because apparently nobody in my family can read minds. :(

DW got a new vacuum that cost me about $50. It sucks! :)

Puffy said...

Breezy, I dreamt about you last night. I couldn't remember your screen name. I thought your real name was Breezy, but couldn't remember the online name. Finally, I recalled it: Firefly. Huh? I have no idea why you were firefly in my dream.

Kimmah said...

puffy, that's just weird ;-).

mtw said...

Firefly is a great online name!

Breezy, can I have your slow cooker chicken and rice recipe?

thndrkttn said...

I received both shipments of my cookies. YAY!!! One from Bravie and one from Frodis. THANK YOU!!!DH has turned both shipments into his own personal lunch accoutrements. *rollseyes* He was never much into cookies until we got down here and he can't seem to go to work without a stash. And thank you to Breezy for organzing this. It was really something to look forward to!

lights said...

I didn't get any cookies. *grin*

We were talking about you tonight. Had a raclette with H&N and played cards before watching the ball drop. I did NOT cheat.

Happy New Year! *smooooch*

Glowie said...

I love my Dyson. We have the animal... because of the five shedding animals (six if you count me).

My wonderful husband surprised me with a necklace that I told him I liked a few months ago. We were in the jewelry store asking about getting his ring fixed and I turned and said, "oh this is a really pretty necklace." And? There it was in my stocking. God, I love him.
My dad got me a Heath Miller jersey and some money.
My mom bought me a bunch of little things like she likes to do so my sister and I have a lot to open. Oh! She got me a pair of jammies (she does every year and has, I think all my life except for last year which she apologized for. heh). They're Happy Bunny and they say, "I'm not spoiled. I deserve all my stuff." She's so cute.
My in-laws gave me money.
I like socks too, btw. Silly Estee.
I still need to pick up a desk calendar. I need my 365 dogs to make me smile at work (first day back suuuuuuuuuucks).

Swami said...

We went small this Christmas. It was kind of nice for a change!

No one sent me cookies :( so I just made my own :). Of course if I had signed up things might have gone differently...

lights said...

*smooooch* Miss you, Munchkin!

yvonne said...

Yes, please come to my house and vacuum. Do you also do windows?

I have a Target gift card that I haven't used up yet. I think I am going to get a firebowl for the back deck. Or new solar lights for around the house.

Or clothes. I can't decide.


Schnookie said...

I am soooooooo gellus that you got a Dyson. Of course I had to tell DH that yet another person has one and I still don't. *pout*

Yeppers, I received both shipments of yummy cookies and DH surprised me for Xmas and gave me an MP3 player, YAY!