Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cookies & Shrek toys!

I got my first box of cookies yesterday! Inside were brownies, M&M cookies and some red & white cookies... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And bonus! I got two Shrek Happy Meal toys. *giggle*

*smooch* Thanks so much to my little blonde cookie maker.

I hope everyone is receiving their cookies now too, it seems that you are. I was swamped at work yesterday... but the couple of blogs I read, seemed to be receiving cookies. Yay cookies!!!


Bravie said...

I am sending out my cookies today. I have lagged.

Breezy said...

You're saggy?

Anonymous said...

I shipped mine yesterday. I'm afraid one of my people won't get theirs until the end of the week. *sighs* That might make them not chewy.

*sobs* My cookies might be ruined.

Bravie said...

Well yes, I am saggy. Thank you for pointing that out, assholio. *kicks midget*

Puffy said...

I like receiving my 2 sets of cookiez weeks apart. I'm done with the first set and waiting for my second set. And when they're done...see me in the Bloggest Loser thread.

Breezy said...

I'll be in there too, Puffy.

dragonflies said...

I did get one set of cookies, which are all gone.

I also received a lovely handcrafted card! Thanks!

Schnookie said...

I'm gellus you got Shrek toys.

I saw a Chia Shrek at the store the other day *SNORT*

MM said...

You made me smile today. Thank you. *smooch*