Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My 7th Grader

First day of Middle School!


Bravie said...

She's gettin all growed up. I can't believe how long her hair is and how much she is looking like a teenager. STOP IT!!!!!

kim (weltek) said...

It's just not fair, she shouldn't be that old already! Make her stop!

Breezy said...

She is getting all grown up. It was very evident yesterday with 3 of her friends over. She looks the most like a teenager. (and acts like one)

darcidoe said...

You do know ma cursed you with a teenager just like you? WATCH OUT!!!

Breezy said...

Yeah but I'm the good one. You and Miha were the bad kids.

*adjusts halo*

darcidoe said...

Sure you were, ;) I do not deny that Miha was terrible. I on the other hand was working all the time so I couldn't get into trouble.

yvonne said...

She is getting all growed up! Oh my goodness! Middle school! YIKES!

CQ said...

She is beautiful. Such a fine young lady. (Don't let Bravie turn her into a boy)

Fun and rough times are ahead. You are her constant, Breezy!

Bravie said...

*kicks Monsty*

dragonflies said...

Wow, she is growing up! How tall is she? My 8th grader (*faint*) is nearly 6'!

Puffy said...

She is beautiful. You must be so proud. Teary-eyed, scared, and proud.

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

And a cute 7th grader she is!

Anonymous said...

Wow Breezy!


She is just so beautiful. And tall. She is darn tall.