Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Guess what I found last night? LOL That shirt that Dad gave me. I was wrong it didn't explode, I just thought it did because I haven't been able to fit in it in awhile. It's also not t-shirt material, more like polyester.

Oh and in case some of you were confused. Darcidoe is my sis. Everyone say "hi"!


kim (weltek) said...

Well, Darcy, you've done what we could never do. You made your sister post twice this week and it's only Wednesday. :-)

Bravie said...

*waves to Darcy* Now if Darcy can make her sister not be a tattletale, that would be even better. *waits*

Breezy said...

If you could behave yourself Miss Pootypants, I wouldn't have to tattle to Monsty. *sticks out tongue*

Bravie said...

If you weren't so mean to me all the time I would probably behave better. *flicks booger on Breezy's tongue*

darcidoe said...

What can I say, it must be my magnetic personality. Or is that what makes my computer and other electronics crash all the time? Since you found your shirt, I will now have to look and see if I can find my Chmura jersey as I don't remember actually packing it off to Goodwill. *howdy-do everbody*

Breezy said...

And then send it to me, yes? I dooooo have a birthday coming up. *grin*

*spits boogers in bravie's hair*

Bravie said...

You have a birthday coming up? Should I ask you what you want for your birthday? *kick*

Michelle has a tshirt she wanted to send you but thought you would be mad. And then thought that would be even better.
It is a Jets logo but instead of saying "Jets", it says "Bretts"

darcidoe said...

*climbs under desk to avoid fallout*
You certainly are brave, bravie. As sad as it may be, I am considering getting behind Seattle since I am so close and can actually watch their games, so I may have to send it to you Wendy if I can find it. Of course I will forever be a Packer-backer. Just wanted to make that clear.

Breezy said...

*kicks meaniepoopooface* Not sure I'm enthralled with your wife anymore. She's just as mean as you are!

Lions fans are revolting, Sunday's game is in danger of being a local black out. First time ever in forever they haven't sold out.

I sure hope they local doesn't include me. *worried look* I wanna watch the Pack play.

Bravie said...

The 49ers only get blacked out when they play against Oakland in Oakland. If our games don't sell out the team buys the remaining seats in order for a sell out.

She doesn't scare me, Darcy. She's a midget and can't kick me any higher than my ankles.

CQ said...

I like Darci better.

Bravie said...

Duh, we all do, Monsty. *waits for midget to sob*

Breezy said...

*snort* Darcy is shorter then me!

*ignores the green one and the meaniepoopooface*

Bravie said...

A double midget family!!!!!

darcidoe said...

Our mother is shrinking too. So we have that to look forward to. I'm still taller than Aunt Marsha. *sticks out tongue at Breezy* (you see where I learned this from right?)

Bravie said...

If Darcy is another one who picks on Breezy, then she is like the coolest person on earth. *waves to Darcy*

darcidoe said...

I have to keep her in line somehow. When we were younger it meant hitting her in the head with a shovel. (explains a lot doesn't it?) *evil grin*
*waves to bravie*

Bravie said...

Michelle says...
After living with Carey for 18 years, her meanness has ooozed into me. Go Jets!!!! *evil giggle*

Bravie said...

I want Darcy to be my new BFF. Wendy doesn't let me hit her with shovels.

Breezy said...

I showed you the scar, didn't I? Didn't I?!?!?! She hit me with a frickin' shovel and tried to say that is was an accident.

Buttheads, all of ya.

MM said...

Hi Darcy! I always loved that name. And Marcy, too. :)

darcidoe said...

It was accidently on purpose. When you showed the scar did you tell them what we were digging?