*poke* here's your update.
Have you ever been sitting at your desk and started laughing so hard that you were afraid you were going to get fired for being drunk at work and you weren't even drinking this time?
Today's life lesson.....
Laughing until your gut hurts is good exercise and good for you.
You are dead to me.
I love you too! *smooch*
Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living...
I don't know why I have that song in my head. *smirk*
nope. Nobody ever tries to make me laugh anymore. Nobody cares. *sigh*
I've learned to blame my laughter on Howard Stern.
Breezy? On a completely unrelated note, how did you set the options on your blog so that UBER annoying "secruity information...do you want to display the ...." pop up doesn't appear. GAWD I hate that pop up. On my blog it appears wehn you first go to comments, then when you post a comment.
Your blog doesn't have it. Why?
Glowie? I'm sorry. I would have included you in the fun today but unfortunately our fun was at the expense of a friend of yours and you probably would not have found it amusing. *smooch*
If you want, tomorrow we can make fun of Breezy and laugh at her expense. Not that Breezy isn't a friend of yours. But she is fun to laugh at and make fun of.
Go ahead and make fun of me. *sniff* I can take it. *pout*
Augie, I don't allow avatars in my comments... hence no security question pop up thingy.
I am still waiting for somebody to make fun of please.
I will not make fun of Breezy. Our relationship is very delicate.
You don't think that the relationship between me and Breezy is delicate? *head tilt*
It's the making fun of her that keeps me around. If I couldn't make fun of her, I'm not sure that she would be of much use to me.
LMAO *snort*
Miss Piggymoooooooooooooo
nope. She likes you.
When do you think she will treat me like she likes me?
Maybe tomorrow. *grin*
Tomorrow is Saturday. That does not fall within working hours.
*kick* whatever!
Fine. I'll be nice to you next Friday. *grin*
Of course you will. You don't want to be stranded at the airport overnight.
I didn't think people in the tax business ever laughed. Especially from January-April.
glow and I aren't in the tax business, so we can laugh at Breezy. *grin*
Acutally, you are rather taxing. *feigns exaustion*
*passes out tax bills*
Ya'll need to be nice to me. :)
Avatars are causing that stupid pop up????? Thanks, Breezy.
I didn't get to make fun of anyone today. Or yesterday.
No tax bills for me. I'm getting refunds from both the state and the federal. Gotta love the MCC certificate. *hops*
*ignores Kim* Hrmph.
Hmmm, interesting about no avatars=no popups. I did the setting that Weltek and Bob posted.
Are we still talking about The Departed? Cuz we watched it this weekend. Great movie. Thanks, Breezy!
And you've probably already figured out the envelope thing, but our theory is that it was a letter, with evidence, that she was to deliver to Marky Mark.
P.S. I love this post title. I think EVERYBODY should have a post titled "For Glow".
It would make me feel better.
Kimmer!! That's our theory too, that she gave the envelope to Marky Mark. Hence him showing up and popping a cap in Matt's ass.
Which, was an awesome ending, BTW.
I wasn't sitting at my desk but today I fell into the giggle pit at work from being way over-tired.
Two guys were standing in the hall. I had to ask one of them a question so I called him by name and said, "Steve". Both turned around at the same time and I suddenly realized they were both named Steve. I laughed so much I had tears in my eyes. They? failed to find the level of humor that I did.
Good thing you won't be at work on Friday. Cuz I think we're gonna laughs lots and lots. And it will be even more fun with Breezygirl here because we can totally torture her with our dorkdom. *bites bubbles*<--just practicing.
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