Sunday, April 04, 2010

Kitchen- Before/After

Before After

And this is what was under the piece of carpet. Sticky tiles that were coming up and sliding all over the place.

Very productive weekend, but I'm sore and ready for bed. Nighty night!

Added in the morning---LOL Blame H, a friend of DD's for the before pic of the open garbage can.
Guess where the garbage can is now? Yup under the sink on a rollout thingie. Love it!


Bravie said...

Ohhhhhh, how very nice.

kim (weltek) said...

Wow, that really makes the kitchen look bigger! I hope you have nice organized cabinets now!

Glowie said...

yay! It looks great.

yvonne said...

Very nice! Great job!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I agree with Kim. It makes your kitchen look huge!

Swami said...

It looks like you did a beautiful job on the floor! Come do my kitchen? Oh heck - come and do my whole downstairs!

What kind of dog do you have? Or is that a huge fat cat? *runs*

Puffy said...

Beautiful! Still loving it?