Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Girls on the what!?!?!?!

I'm struggling and struggling bad. A few of the girls on this year's team... are just so mind boggling immature, it hurts my head. Not just even immature. Hyper? Disrespectful? Self Centered? Ungrateful? I still say the one is on something, speed would be a good guess. Although she told us yesterday she used to take meds for ADHD but her Mom took her off them. I need to talk to this girl's Mom.

Even the cool College kid coach that they love that comes on Monday couldn't control them yesterday. I was practically crying for my new lover Captain by the time we left the school. *sigh*

I dream of slapping them. See? I could never be a teacher. Never.


Bravie said...

Yikes. Teenagers suck. *hug*

kim (weltek) said...

Ugh. I have no real advice. It's a tough age. Maybe have a chat as a group about where they think their personality and behaviors come from and to set goals. You could explain your "ball" story from when you were a kid and how your personality impacted your interactions with others, and stress setting goals to form positive interactions and relationships.

But that would require them sitting still for more than ten seconds.

Breezy said...

And that's the problem Kim. Getting them to be quiet, pay attention for more than a minute... doesn't happen.

We'll see how they are today. A teacher is one of the coaches today.

yvonne said...

Yep, teenagers suck. Sorry that this has been so difficult. *hugs*

Swami said...

I have lived through 3 teenagers. You have my deepest sympathy. And even though they may not be paying attention now, the things you say and do are layering into their brains and some day will probably be remembered fondly as important life lessons. Or not. You never really know with teens, lol.

yoopernurse said...

hug hug hug xxxooo

Anonymous said...

Oh my. My "new" grocery store now sells wine, and I can get the Barefoot kind for $5.89 a bottle, less 10 percent more when I buy 6 or more. Maybe I should start stocking up now.