Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Girls on the what!?!?!?!

I'm struggling and struggling bad. A few of the girls on this year's team... are just so mind boggling immature, it hurts my head. Not just even immature. Hyper? Disrespectful? Self Centered? Ungrateful? I still say the one is on something, speed would be a good guess. Although she told us yesterday she used to take meds for ADHD but her Mom took her off them. I need to talk to this girl's Mom.

Even the cool College kid coach that they love that comes on Monday couldn't control them yesterday. I was practically crying for my new lover Captain by the time we left the school. *sigh*

I dream of slapping them. See? I could never be a teacher. Never.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Kitchen- Before/After

Before After

And this is what was under the piece of carpet. Sticky tiles that were coming up and sliding all over the place.

Very productive weekend, but I'm sore and ready for bed. Nighty night!

Added in the morning---LOL Blame H, a friend of DD's for the before pic of the open garbage can.
Guess where the garbage can is now? Yup under the sink on a rollout thingie. Love it!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Crossing my fingers

Here's hoping my kitchen floor looks like this Sunday night. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so DBF and I will be ripping up the old nasty tile floor and sanding (hopefully not much) and then laying down a new Pergo wood floor! *hop*
I also bought a cabinet to go where the old dishwasher is. I'm tired of digging for a pan and having them all crash down. We never use the dishwasher, I don't like dishwashers. I have a teenager for that!