Had my first training walk today. I did 6 miles along Lake Michigan. It didn't snow, but dang it was cold!
About mile 4 my feet started to talk to me. They didn't like my socks. So I need to go shopping. Only a few pairs though. I plan on buying a very good pair of walking sandals when/if the weather ever changes over. I think I'm finally going to buy the Keens I've been lusting after.
Don't you still have a pair of your "wright" socks? I thought you bought a pair for Bloomsday. They are the only ones I will wear for walking or running. Also remember the trick I taught you about putting vasaline between your toes to prevent blisters.
Good job on the 6 miles!
Yeah! Put vaseline between your toes so we can call you Squishy Toes :) Great on the 6 miles!
I remember the vaseline. V (girl who led the training walk) told me about this anti-blister stick stuff you rub on. I bought a tube of that today too.
I don't know where my wright socks went. I think DD stole them.
Do you have wright and wleft socks?
I was going to suggest the anti-blister stick. I bought mine directly from the 3-Day website, and it worked. I didn't get any blisters.
Good job on the 6!
Six miles is 6 miles more than I have walked lately.
Yeah, the stick is good to stop chafing on your legs if you are prone to such things. What ever socks you get make sure they are not 100% cotton. I know it seems wrong but you want polyester socks so there is little friction against feet.
Yay for you! I'm not doing any long traning walks until it's warm. I'm on strike.
Yes, get the shoes! I want to know how they compare to my Bites. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of arch support, but otherwise love them. If the Keens have more arch support, I might get a pair.
I put the glide stuff on my inner thighs so I didn't chafe. I saw some bad chafing.
During Bloomsday out here in Spokane (12k walk/run) the first aid people are standing by the side of the road with a plate of vaseline for the people who did not lube up before hand and are now seriously hurting by the end of the race.
I don't remember those peeps Darc. I do remember us lubing up before the race though.
And did you get blisters?
I think it rained that year and was kind of cold which means long pants and less chafing.
I'll have to remember that vaseline between the toes idea. No cotton socks? Hmmm, I'm learning things here. Six miles is six more than I could do.
I know Puffy it seems contrary to not wear breathable fabric like cotton. But after my first 12k walk wearing cotton socks and not knowing about the vaseline, I had blisters in between my toes. And not just one or two per foot, between every toe I had two blisters. It was horrible. A friend clued me into the vaseline because he was a hiker and with hiking (down hill anyway) your toes hit the front of your boot and swell (most feet swell during a lot of walking and running) and they use vaseline to prevent blisters. I have been blister free every since.
Pfffttt she just likes having squishy toes.
It's true.
**sqiush squish squish**
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