Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm intrigued- A Poll

This poll was posted on a message board that I frequent, not not OT and yes I'm two timing you all.

How do you put on your bra? Are you a front clasper and then swing it around, or do you put it on and fasten in back?


Bravie said...

I put my arms through the armholes and get the girls into their proper cups. I then clasp in the back. I then bend over slightly to lift the girls into place. I stand up and give a little wiggle, pull up on the girls a little bit just to make sure. Voila--boobies in place and standing at attention.

Bravie said...

My Mom clasps up front and swings it around so I don't know why I don't do it that way.

frodis said...

Clasp in front, shift it around. I've tried to clasp in back and I always wind up on diagonal hooks.

Bravie said...

I thought you said this is where you were going to announce your engagement. *head tilt*

maroonclown said...

Clasp in front then twirl around. I too, like bravie, bend over and do the little shake to deposit the girls snugly in the cups.

Bra story - I decided last week to go for a proper fitting. For years I was wearing a 36C. After losing quite a bit of weight I still was in a 36C. Yea!
Well, after going for a proper fitting I was informed I was a 36 E!!!! Although I thought that impossible, the bras I bought are super comfortable and there's no more squeezy flab under my arms.

I'm still not comfortable with the "E" designation though.

Bravie said...

*stares at MC's oobies*
Sorry, instinct.

maroonclown said...

You cheeky monkey!

*flaunts oobies*

kim (weltek) said...

Clasp in front and shift around. It's not very sexy, but it prevents me from messing up the hooking. I have a few 3 hook bras, so that's important.

Bravie said...

I'm actually shocked at all the problems there are hooking in the back. this is the only way I have ever hooked my bra. Weird. Yeah, ya'll are weirdos. Or I am. *gasp* *worry*

Breezy said...

So far it's 4-1, I'd say you're the weird one. Weirdo.

lights said...

*stands in the weirdo corner with Carey*

I put my bra on exactly the same way as Carey. I'm surprised about the results so far. I had no idea people had so much trouble doing up their bras! And yes, some of mine have three hooks too. *grin*

kim (weltek) said...

In another five years when Bravie and Lights are REAAAAAAAAAAALY old, they'll have trouble clasping their bras like that and we can laugh at them. :-)

Tummy said...

Clasp in front, swing around, bend over *shake, shake, shake, stand up and viola!

Now if it's a front clasp bra, I clasp it in the back, swing around, bend.....naw, not really!

arkie said...

Clasp in front and swing it around.

Puffy said...

I'm with the majority.

MM said...

Front clasper. I do pretty much the same thing everyone else does with the whole bending over and shaking them into place thing. :)

*stares at weirdos*
*bends and shakes*

HistoryDetective said...

Is this the women's equivalent of: "Do you tuck it to the left or right?"

Swami said...

I had no idea so many people did the clasp in front and swing it around thing. I tried that once and thought it was the dumbest idea ever! Inconvenient and it took too long.

I have no trouble fastening in back, even my 3 hook bras. You just feel the eyes and put the hooks in the right place. Easy peasy.

HD we "tuck" them left, then right, then left, then right until they feel properly seated.

kevingrout said...

Well, I suppose I could only comment on how I take a bra off

Swami said...

With your teeth? /fantasy

Anonymous said...

My most favorite bras are bralettes, and I can pull those over my head.

I am a front clasper and then swing it around.

yvonne said...

I'm with the minority...I put it on so it fits proper then hook the back. Never had a problem with misaligned hooks. Like Bravie, my mom was a front clasper who swung it around. I always thought that was way too much manuvering and trouble.

Of course with my less than ample boobage, wearing any bra seems like way too much trouble. *grin*

kim (weltek) said...

Ok, I'm in the mood to play and nobody has anything new on their blog. *pout*

Silvergirl said...

I'm with the majority - a front clasper.

I am planning on making my own bra, though, because I cannot stand the hooks and eyes, and I don't like elastic. Every bra out there has both. I plan on putting a different fastener, which might be snaps - the kind you put on with a special tool. I will make the bra out of woven non stretching material. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.