Monday, January 21, 2008


*sniff* that is all.

Oh and thankyou Augie. I agree hubby is way sexier then that icky Manning kid.


Bravie said...


yvonne said...


CQ said...

NOW do you understand why New York sucks?

Sorry sis.

lights said...

Sorry Breezy. I thought of you this morning when I heard the news.


Anonymous said...

I was so excited for you when the game went to OT and the Pack got the ball first.

Why don't you and Brett come over and snuggle on the snuggling couch with me and Chaos.

Swami said...

Bummer way to end the season, with an interception. But he almost pulled it off!

I am still amused that the lower the temperture was forecast the higher the ticket prices went. Only in Green Bay...

Zombs said...
