Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I AM the QB guru!

I had a client ask me to create an import template for them and they only had a budget of two hours of my time. *blows on knuckles* I finished it in an hour last night. *big grin*

You may all bow down to me now. *giggle*


Bravie said...

This is one of those geek things, yes?
*smooch* congrats on being so smaht. :)

frodis said...

You just had Brett lie down on a big piece of paper and traced him, right?

Your client wasn't the Bears by any chance, was it?

Schnookie said...

LOL Frodis.

Here I thought you were talking about football. QB = Quarterback

Breezy said...

*snort* QB=QuickBooks in this case.

lights said...

*bows down really low*

Someone wanna give me a hand up?

momma said...



Seriously? I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

I thought quarterback too. And then I thought SU, so I was wondering what the heck that could be. And then I realized that client had to mean work, which means accounting for you, which means QuickBooks.

Which I suspect right about now also means The Devil.

Breezy said...

The Devil right now is 1099 and he's winning. *sigh*

mtw said...

I want to be a QB guru. Seriously, I've been thinking I'd like to do some QB bookkeeping on the side to make a few extra bucks but have no idea how to get started.

mtw said...


(forgot to earlier)

yvonne said...

I'm not going to bow down, because I know the second I do you're going to swat me in the butt.


Breezy said...

*innocent look* who me?

Swami said...

You type with your knuckles!?!

Puffy said...

I was also wondering what a quarterback had to do with accounting.

kim (weltek) said...

Now, could you please organize my receipts that Chris wants from me today? I first need to find the missing ones. Perhaps you could work on that. I have one hour of your time budgeted.

sharnina said...

I sucketh mightily at this game.

*looks puzzled*