Friday, October 26, 2007

Jeffffffff DunHAM

If you're going to be home tonight and need something to watch, Jeff Dunham is on Comedy Central tonight at 10. He is fricking hilarious! Gah! I swear I peed myself when we caught his act a month ago on TV.

If you do watch, you'll understand the title of this post and these following phrases (which I kept saying in the car ride to Canada and drove Carey nuts) (yeah I know not a far trip). *grin*

--- blue Prius
---I keeeeel you
---Are you my virgins?

*snort* I can't wait to watch it again tonight!


momma said...

Um. Okay.

Breezy said...


Another one
"aRe you sure I'm dead? I just got my flu shot"

Bravie said...

Honey, I got news for you. You drove me nuts loooooong before our road trip to Canda. Just sayin.

Breezy said...

oooh a blue Prius just went by. *snort*

Bravie said...

You do know that you are the biggest goober that I know, don't you?

momma said...


Breezy said...

You do know that a goober is a chocolate covered raisin? right?

Breezy said...

You have to watch the show Momma, it'll all become clear then. *grin*

Bravie said...

So you are a chocolate covered raisin? That means that I have to hate you.

momma said...

I guess I will have to watch the show.

And Carey? I thought you already hated Breezy.

Bravie said...
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momma said...

HAHAH!!!! We have it in writing! Bravie loves Breezy!

Bravie said...

I have no clue what Momma is talking about. *grin*

Breezy said...

*snort* Did anyone watch?

Asrai said...

OMG! My oldest LOVES Jeff Dunham! She makes us all watch the DVD and everytime he's on TV, she's mesmerized by his goofiness.