Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Canada Placeholder

I will do the post tonight. I promise. I'll drop DD off at cheerleading practice and then come home to do it, instead of staying at the field.

And practice was canceled, woohooooo!

Ok, Where do I start? Bravie was late.... fine her plane was. So I sat in the Wendy's parking lot across from the airport entrance and waited for her to finallllllllyyyyyy get here. I picked her up and we stopped at a gas station for drinks and snacks. Apparently in CA it's ok to strip in the parking lot and change clothes, so Bravie did so in MI. *grin* Luckily no arrests were made.

The actual drive to the border was nothing, two hours. We were in Canda (yes I know) before we knew it! Bravie was able to see why I didn't think we needed to bring a portable potty for her, there were trees everywhere. No deserts to be seen. *snort*

Did I mention I was coming down with a cold? No? Well I was, and I was dead tired by the time we got to the bridge out. Dead tired Breezy, can be also be crankybutt Breezy. *grin* I also need to explain the twoonie thingy.... see... here's how it went. I bought some stuff at a Canadian gas station, gave the chickee a $10. I got back all these coins. WTH! I squinted and saw that two of them had dollar on them.... ok... I need two more. I tried to explain this to the girl, but she wasn't buying it. I then tried to explain that I gave the girl a $10 and she owed me two more dollars to my so called faithful companion and she also rebuffed me. "they're two dollars" Yes I know! She owes me two more! *sigh* Did I mention the cold? dead tired? *grin* I now understand after getting my Twoonie lesson in the car, that she had given me the $4 in change I was expecting.

Lightsy and Duster Boy are supreme hosts, they really are. If you even get a change to go to Timbuctoo, you should really visit them. But be warned.... those Quebecians swear. Alot.

Here's some pics of the cottage. I just loved the area, reminded me lots of our cabin on the lake in the UP.

Friday we woke up and got all dolled up to go see the sights. *grin* Such beautiful sights! I really am a country girl. Here's a pic from the falls.

*huff* Lightsy got a hug and I got a choke hold!

The poutine was yummy! Even the cheese! Yes, I ate the cheese curds and liked them! As I said over on OT, I made them at home and even DD loved poutine.

Have I mentioned yet what a wonderful beautiful friendly smile Lightsy has yet? She does.

Friday night we were going to go to a local hockey game, but after the boat ride and making dinner.... we were late. So we all got in to our jammies and we played some card game that Lightsy made up. *grin* I did so catch her cheating at her own game and then she didn't even win! *giggle*

Saturday (my Birthday) we went fourwheeling up to this tower to look over the whole area. It was wonderful, the colors were either in their peak or darn close to it. The mountains and valleys were just covered in color. The fourwheeling was tons of fun too, was way better after I passed off Sanjana though. Lightsy is a little speed demon and I thought I was going to lose him a couple times. *grin* Also made me miss it, I think I need to buy a used one to play on.

Here's some pics from that ride.

I think Bravie is pointing out a polar bear or something. *rolls eyes* She's not real good naming animals.

Bravie and Lightsy did make me a lemon meringue pie for my birthday and it was wonderful. *smooch*

What did we eat.... oh duh! Saturday night we did a raclette (sp?) for dinner. Was tons of fun! While Bravie and Lightsy made the pie, I cut up chicken, veggies and some yummy cheese for us to use on the raclette. (Bravie and Lightsy cut up some stuff too. *grin*) The raqlette was basically a fondue styled grill. The grill sat in the middle of the table and you just threw whatever you wanted to eat on. It also had these little trays on the bottom that you could make cheesy garlic bread, or melt cheese and stuff on your cut up baked potato. It was lots of fun!

After dinner a couple friends of Lightsy's and Dusterboy's came out and visited with us. They were very very nice. I sure hope we didn't embarrass Lightsy. *grin* We tried to be on our best behaviour while the company was there.

The drive home on Sunday was full of football. Yes football. I have Sirius. We listened to both of our games.

Monday I had to take Bravie back to the airport. *pout* Before I did though, I showed her Lake Michigan and around my little town. *grin* I tried to tell her before I was a hick.

If asked to, I would drive up there again in a heartbeat. Lightsy was too wonderful not too go back to. I love her. *sobs*

Oh and Lightsy? did I mention that BF has a good friend of his in Barrie? They go hunting together all the time.


Bravie said...

Riiiiiight. I was beginning to wonder if you were even in Canda with us. *smirk*

momma said...

Uh huh. Kinda like "I'll post it Sunday" right???

Breezy said...

*ignores mean girls in my own blog*

Asrai said...

*unfolds camping chair, sits down with bag of chips and 6 pack of cokes*

Hey! Don't mind me...I'm just waiting!

lights said...

Yay! Looks like we're all getting caught up enough to post about the big weekend. Hope you're feeling better Breezy. Dusterboy and I were both getting over our cold when you arrived. I was so worried about passing it on to you or Carey so I was relieved that you brought your own. *grin*

Timbuctoo! That's not how it's pronounced! *snort*

I want to thank you and Carey for being such wonderful, easygoing, adventurous guests. Our lifestyle isn't for everyone but the two of you took to it so well and were great sports. It was so much fun to share our life with you both. About the only thing I wanted to do that we didn't have time for was a campfire.

My friends LOVED you both! They're still talking about how much they enjoyed that night. I've been talking to them about my internet friends for years and they were so excited/curious to finally meet some of them. It was an added bonus that they got to experience the midget and the gay girl. *grin*

The card game was fun. While we played we were talking about our favorite (and a few of our least favorite) OTers. I'm pretty sure that's why I got distracted and made a simple mistake that was construed as cheating. *grin* Tha's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Lenny the Leader loves to drive fast! *giggle*

Barrie's not that far away! You (and Breezygirl and BF) are always welcome!

I love you too Breezy! *smoooooch*

Bravie said...

Crankybutt is right!!!! You people do NOT want to get stuck in a car with Breezy for 11 hours when she is sick. Good gracious.
And Honey? There is a very very good reason that Lightsy got a big hug and you got a choke hold. Hello? I was in a car with you for 11 hours!!!!! You're damn lucky that all you got was a choke hold.

I will say that our rendition of Grease Lightning was superb though. Absolutely fantastic. You did a fine job of maneuvering the car while doing the dance that goes with the song.

Border patrol lady: Where are you going
Us: (because we tended to talk at the same time, over each other) To [insert Lightsy's hometown]
Border Patrol: Why are you going?
Us: To visit a friend
BP: Have you ever been to Canada?
Us: no
BP: how do you know this person you are visiting?
Us: um, uh, *dorky grins*, uh, the internet
BP: Okay, I see you are from CA and you are from MI. How do you know each other?
Us: um, uh *dorky grins*, um, the internet
BP: *laughing* You ladies have fun

thank goodness we didn't have Sanjana blown up at the time.

LENNY!!!!! *snoooort* OMH, I might pee.
And I still maintain that both Lightsy and Breezy cheat at cards.

Bravie said...

And I can't put into words how happy it makes me to hear Lightsy call me a gay girl. *snort*

Bravie said...

Also, I wanted to put in a good word for Breezy's BF. In the brief amount of time that I spent with him, he was nicer to me than Breezy was all weekend. *grin*
He greeted me with a big hug and in the morning he went out of his way to make sure that I had coffee and to make sure that he said goodbye to me. My only complaint about him was his cell phone that went off in the middle of the night. *snort*

Breezy said...

Oooohhh yes we did dish on OT peeps during cards didn't we? *evil giggle*

momma said...

Yay!!! It's about damn time! *grin*

The trip sounds so wonderful...each story is pretty much the same, just with different ideas of who the difficult one was. By the way - where did you learn to spell behavior? It has NO U in it.


momma said...

And yay!! Bravie approves of BF!!!! Hooray! I was quite concerned how he'd react to her and whether she'd like him or not.

Breezy said...

Well to be fair, they didn't get to spend much time together. He wants her to come back and hang out with him.

momma said...

He wants her to come back and spend MORE time with him? Has he lost his mind?!?!? *snort*

Breezy said...

*snort* Crazy, eh?

kim (weltek) said...

There you are!

The pictures are great. Could you have introduced yourself to Canada in a more tourist way (arguing about your change)? Yeesh!

kim (weltek) said...

*wants to know what was said about me*

LOL-I love the story of the border patrol chat! I'm glad you gave her a laugh! Bravie told the hotel desk people she was a hooker I'd picked up, so I'd say you got off easy.

Bravie said...

*snort* I just told MM that story about me being your hooker. I told it somewhere on OT but I can't remember where. *giggle*

Schnookie said...

Wow, what a beautiful cottage Lightsy. It looks so serene. Now I know why you always want to spend your time there.

Great pics! So glad you had fun.

lights said...

Nookie! Ask Breezy and Carey and they'll tell you that I proudly display my "Paradise" rock you gave me on the faux fireplace at the cottage. Every time I see it (read dust around it) I think of how much I miss you and hope that you'll get to come visit me there some day too. *smoooooch*

*snort* Your border story never fails to make me laugh.

I want to meet Breezy's BF too. *pout*

Puffy said...

Beautiful scenery! That border patrol lady was a little snoopy, wasn't she?

Lisa McMann said...

Before I did though, I showed her Lake Michigan and around my little town. *grin*

Wah!!! I miss my Lake Michigan. So, so much. I *hope* she appreciated it...



Bravie said...

Indeed, I did appreciate it. I loved Breezy's little town with it's lighthouses and beaches. I loved Lake Michigan. It looked like the ocean to me. I learned that it is like the ocean but it is fresh water instead of salt water. *grin*
It was nice to see actual neighborhoods and lawns and trees. I also saw Muskegon Lake and where Breezy goes for Summer Celebration. It was cool seeing where she works and shops and parties and hangs out and lives. Yay me.

Anonymous said...

'bout time.

I want to go to Canda.

lights said...

I want Boo to come to Canda too. *grin* I wouldn't even cheat at cards.

yvonne said...

Will it make everyone else jealous to know that I got a phone call?

*waits for jealous comments*

Anonymous said...

Why would I be jealous if I got my own phone call? :)

Puffy said...

Jealous. 1-800-CALL-PUF

Asrai said...

I am so loving each of your accounts of the visit. It's so funny hearing about everything and while I am still jealous, I am so very happy for you all!

3 wonderful, gorgeous, insnely funny women all in one place? Paradise for sure. Nookie was right on with her rock!