Friday, September 07, 2007

Somber event

Yesterday during my lunch hour, I stood outside our building with all my coworkers and fellow American workers from businesses next door. We watched as a hero came home.

It was a very sad, very real thing. Our troops are still dying in Iraq. Please do what you can to let our government know... we've had enough loss. Start bringing our troops home.

If you want to read about the Sgt. Scheibner, then click on the above link. There's also more stories about his death, but I will warn you... if you cry easily don't read the article from yesterday where they interview his Mom and how she was marking off the days until he was safe.


Breezy said...

Thanks. I wish they had taken a photo of the fire trucks hoisting the flag... but I didn't see any on the website.

momma said...


We've been thru several of these parades in recent months. Gets sadder and sadder with each send off and return. :(

frodis said...

Just that photo makes me sad. I don't think I should try the article.

Thank you, Sgt. Scheibner. Thank you, and I'm sorry.


Bravie said...

While Frodis is thanking him, I will add in a thank you to Breezybrother and Augienephew who are there. *hugs*

Breezy said...

Bro should be *crosses fingers* home by the end of the month.

Bravie said...

YAY!!! No better birthday present for you.

lights said...


I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a loved one there. It must be excrutiating.

Puffy said...

Is Tkittn's bro still in Iraq or did he return? These stories are heartbreaking; very difficult to read. I'd like to know how many family members of those in the Senate and in Congress are in the military.

Swami said...

I have trouble reading stories like that, Breezy, because I go from terribly sad to terribly mad too fast. The contrast between the real and honest men and women giving their best efforts and their very lives over there, and the soulessly bankrupt idiots who sent them (and keep them) on such a poorly thought-out mission is just too much for me. Makes. me. mad!

yvonne said...

Yeah, what Swami said.

I pray every day that everyone comes home safe, and that this senseless, stupid, moronic war is done with today.

My nephew should be home by Dec 4th. We just got word yesterday that someone in his troop was killed in action. My heart just breaks for that soldier's family, for my newphew for having to deal with that, and for everyone who has been touched by this damn war...both Iraqis and Americans, British, etc.


kim (weltek) said...

Wow, and so close to retiring. To some extent, he died doing what he put so much of his life into, so there is a little comfort in that. So sad. So so sad.