Today my baby brother turned 30. I know he wasn't real enthused about turning 30, and I'm guessing that turning 30 in Iraq didn't help. *sigh* The good news? I received an email from him today saying he should be back in the states on the 25th. Woooooooohoooooooooo!!!!!
Happy birthday, Breezybro! Glad you'll be home soon!
Hey, we are the same age! All the best people are 30.
Happy Birthday to M and it's also a nice birthday present for you. *smooch*
So glad that he will be home.
Happy Birthday BreezyBro! Will be so relieved to you have home!!
How weird that my brother turned 30 while he was over there as well...
Yay! What great news!
Happy birthday Breezy's brother!
Happy Birthday Breezybro! I will add my thanksgiving that you are coming back stateside again!
Happy Birthday to your brother!!! The 25th?! Yay!!!!!! That's about the best bday present he could ask for.
Oh that is great that he is coming home!
Best wishes to him on his birthday!
Happy b-day to BreezyBro and I'm keeping my fingers crossed he is home before you know it!
Happy birthday! BreBro! I hope he has an uneventful last four days!
It's a happy day for so many reasons!
Happy belated birthday, Breezybro!
Will you get to see him before you leave? I'm so glad he's going to be home soon!
Happy Birthday BreezyBro!
Four more sleeps! *hops*
I'll be thinking of you all day Thursday and sending you thoughts of strength. You're likely going to need it listening to Carey's teeth chattering. *grin*
I'm so glad he will be coming home. Yay Breezy!
And birthday wishes to him, even if they are late.
How exciting! Will you get to see him before you leave?
No, I won't see him. When I say home, I mean he'll be sent back to his home base in Florida. He is hoping to come north before the snow flies though.
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