Thursday, March 18, 2010

At Risk Girls

Girls on The Run training starts next week. I'm coaching again this year. *hop* Probably last year for it, as it's the last year DD can do it. *sniff*

The school counselor called me to talk about this year's At Risk girls. Every year there are a couple. Girls without a good parental support at home, bounce between family members, are at risk for drugs and alcohol because of home life. This year's girls may break my heart though. They are At Risk, living below the poverty level. One is homeless.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you about how bad the economy is right? Well here in Podunk? It's down right horrible. MI itself is in a depression and there are pockets that have been in a depression for quite awhile. I live in such a pocket.

So the counselor wants us coaches this year to really talk about bettering your life through education, not using your body. *sigh* We all remember the pressures of being a teenager, right? Now add in that you are living below poverty and are promised love, affection, taken care of if you only put out. They'll even let you sleep on a bed afterwards, a real bed! *sigh*

Bloggers help a coach out some. If you run across stories, quizzes, anything that you think would be a great discussion tool, please send me the link. Or send any ideas you have. We do two things during GOTR training, we train for a 5k and we work on girls self esteem and self worth.


yvonne said...

Good for you for coaching again. It is just so terribly sad how difficult life is for so many. I am so grateful for the life my parents gave me, for the opportunities I had. I'll keep good thoughts for your girls, Breezy.

kim (weltek) said...

*sniffle* You are good for doing this, Breezy. I promise I will keep an eye out for materials. I'll ask my nursing colleagues that work with teens if they have anything.

kim (weltek) said...

This site is made by teens:

Breezy said...

Thanks Kim!

Puffy said...

I admire you so much.

Bravie said...

Yikes, good for you. I have no clue or advice but I wish you luck.

yoopernurse said...

so proud of you Love ya

Anonymous said...

I will keep an eye out for you as well.

Good job Breezy!