Thursday, February 05, 2009

New Addiction

Oh my. Ummmmm. Good thing it's almost the weekend. I splurged my mileage check on an iTouch today. This thing is awesome!!! DD is sooooooo jealous. She's mad that she didn't know about this thing before Christmas. She would have asked for one instead of the new Nano.
I've only download a few applications so far but one was BeJeweled 2. I'm addicted. I love that game. I used to play for hours on my old computer. Now I can play on my iTouch!
I downloaded a free treadmill workout on it, extremely cool. I'm going to see how I like running to audiobooks next. *skip*
Bonus! I'm a super cool Mom now.


darcidoe said...

So it has all the same apps like a iPhone does?

Breezy said...

Yep. Basically if Verizon offered the iPhone I could have gotten that.

darcidoe said...

Interesting. I have AT&T so I could get the iPhone. But I don't think I will. Do you have to subscribe to have access to the 3G stuff or is it handled more like iTunes?

Breezy said...

It's WiFi and connects through any wireless router. Very cool.

Bravie said...

Oh, so you can call me more often now. *smirk*

Anonymous said...

So is this a phone or an ipod or both?

Breezy said...

*rolls eyes* Everyone ignore the blonde. She's blonde. It's NOT A PHONE!!!

It is an iTouch, basically an extremely cool ipod. Which has WiFi, so it's like a little tiny laptop.

Bravie said...

Well what the hell is the use of this thing if it doesn't have a phone? You already have a laptop and an iPod. You should have spent that money on a plane ticket out west. *blink*

Breezy said...

I only have a shuffle, that you got me. *smooch* I wanted a bigger one with a screen.

Did you get your plane ticket for here? or Canada?

Bravie said...

I believe it is your turn to go west young breezy. I flew your way last year. *stomp*

Tummy said...

You were a cool Mom before, but have fun with the whachamathingy. I'm so not cool where gadgets are concerned :( I have a Zune that sits and looks at me.

kim (weltek) said...

*whispers* I thought it was a phone, too. *hangs head* I am apparently not prepared to be super cool & hip.

Glowie said...

Very cool! I'm glad you splurged.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, wait. I think we need to clear up a major misconception in this thread.

It is most definitely time for people to travel far east.

That is all.

Breezy said...

Why are we going to China, Boo?

Anonymous said...

For tainted milk.


Not that far east.