Saturday, October 11, 2008

Greatest Mom Ever!

Yay, that would be me.


Bravie said...

Very cool. Where are the pictures of you with curly hair?

Breezy said...

Nobody took any. *pout* Nobody loves me.

Bravie said...

Did you ask anybody?

Breezy said...


Bravie said...

the hush up, dumbass. Go take a picture of yourself and post it. *stomp*

frodis said...

You ARE a cool mom! That red looks great in her hair.

lights said...

Very cool indeed! She's such a doll!

kim (weltek) said...

You ARE a super hip mom. I think it's cool she's being an individual.

yvonne said...

Love it! You are indeed the greatest mom ever. :-)

Swami said...

That looks very cool, Breezy!

Anonymous said...

Why is your hair curly?

Why is your daughter so darn purty?

*shove* I'm the greatest mom ever.

Tummy said...

I love that!

*shoves Boo and Breezy
I'm the Greatest Mom Ever!

Buggy said...

I got streaks for Katie that look just like that, only they were blue.
Hey! That makes me cool too!

She is just beautiful Breezy!

MM said...

She's gorgeous! My DD would love that.