Friday, May 23, 2008

A couple of PSA's

#1- Hug your loved ones everytime you see them and let them know you love them.

#2- Do you have your living will in order? Why not?


Bravie said...

*hugs* I kind of like you. You're okay. *grin*

#2. No, because I don't know where to start or how to start it.

Julia said...


you got tagged, dood :D

Swami said...

#1. I actually try to do this even though it gives my middle daughter cooties.

#2. No. My living will is that Tom can do whatever makes sense for him at the time. As my husband he can do that. And if we both crash at the same time I really don't care...

Anonymous said...

1. *hugs*

2. No. We have no legal anythings. I kind of like Swami's answer so to speak; however, I have no idea what would be going through my mind or Michael's in a situation like that. Sometimes the heart takes over, which is not always right.

It's on my long list of "to dos."

lights said...

#1 Check...I told my sister I loved her for probably the first time yesterday.

#2 No living will but I do have a dead will. *grin*

*hugs* love ya Breezy

MM said...

Thank you, that's a reminder we can all use periodically. {hugs}

No, nothing is done like that.

Breezy said...

Everyone please, get your living will in order. You have no clue the stress on the family if you don't. Please.

RIP Marilyn, we all loved you muchly.

momma said...

*BIG hugs*

kim (weltek) said...

Oh goodness, what happened? Sounds like whatever happened, everyone is dealing with a mess. *hugs*

Tummy said...

*hugs Breezy ~~ Is everything okay?

Rob and I had a living will done when we went out on the truck. I wouldn't want that type of decision put on anyone but us.

kim (weltek) said...

Oh, and my living will is indeed in order. Unfortunately Chris won't get his filled out. It takes 10 effing minutes.

Go to your state health department website and do a search for "living will" if you don't know where to start, peeps.

Puffy said...

#1 check
#2 check


dragonflies said...

A little late, but {{hugs}} never expire.