Friday, May 23, 2008

A couple of PSA's

#1- Hug your loved ones everytime you see them and let them know you love them.

#2- Do you have your living will in order? Why not?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why am I wearing heels?

What the heck was I thinking? Oh well, maybe they'll help tone my legs up. *grin*

Here's today's Mad Gab phrase.

Lay Dissolve Thin Height

I think this will be the last weekly one for awhile, I'm running out of ideas! Have fun! And if you have warm weather, please send it my way. Thankyou.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunny day Mad Gab

Wooohoooo it's nice today, going to be 70 degrees out. Course it's not going to last, back to 50's and rain tomorrow. *sigh* I'm never going to get my garden planted.

Everyone ready for this week's Mad Gab phrase? As always remember it's not what you see, it's what you hear. Another hint, for those of you struggling, say the phrase as if you were drunk. *grin*

Wee Glib His Neigh Sours

Hope everyone has a good week!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cranky Butt Mad Gab

I'm cranky and irritable, so I'm being nice and giving you an easy one today. *grin*

Chest Mice Eyes

Hope everyone is having a great week. The weather is nice again here, sure hope it stays. My garden is already for planting, but it keeps going below freezing at night!

Friday, May 02, 2008

JLC apology petition

We members of OverThere want to apologize to JLC. We're sorry, we're really really really sorry. Please know that we all think you are a beautiful lady inside and out.

Signatures can be added in comments.