Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Someone please help!!!!

Please help me!!!! Tie my hands together so I can't type. Please?

Have you ever noticed that healthy food is more expensive then bad for you food? Ever notice how healthy food needs to be kept cold, like in a fridge unlike most bad for you food?

Where am I going with this you ask? Same place as usual. I don't believe a word that she types.

I do agree with her tips, but how? Just how? Right now? Do those mini-fridges have a car charger?

Oh and I thought her weightloss came from stress and abuse and caused her to lose her job?


Bravie said...

Let go of the baggage, Breezy. *giggle*
Although I do enjoy your weekly column on her. *snort*

Breezy said...

*snort* Can't you just be nice to me? All I ask is that people cheer on my wEEkly colUmn!!

Bravie said...


What's the rest? I was never a cheerleader. I was beating up cheerleaders.

Off to eat my spaghetti squash lasagna. Wish me luck.

Breezy said...

Good luck! mmmm I just got a recipe for Taco Junk, it sounds delish!

frodis said...


I knew you were going to have something to say about that.

You know it IS cold outside right now. *ducks*

It's not worth it. Step away from the thread.

arkie said...

Yes, but at least you impressed her with your knowledge of cucumbers. /snark

arkie said...

And the fact that she's offering support and encouragement makes me want to not do it.

Buggy said...

Yes Breezy, I am also impressed you know about cucumbers. Ha!

I am with you, don't believe a word of her story, everytime she opens her mouth to lecture everyone else it makes her sound more fake.
And she is back to her old style of posting, talking down to everyone as if we were children and she knows everything.

I hope she never goes away, she is way too entertaining, and the more she says, the more peeps will start seeing the holes in her story.

I did want to ask if there was a salad bar at the shelter, but I'm mean.

Don't back out Arkie!

Breezy said...

Well to be honest, the minute the gnat showed up I was out of the support. *sigh* But I really shouldn't that the nasty little gnat do that, eh?

I agree Buggy, I noticed lately her posting was going back to her lecture style. How can peeps NOT see the holes in her story?

*snort* at Frodis, yes it's still cold outside.

Oh gawd, she said something to me about the cukes? Hold me back people!

Buggy said...

Stay in the group!
Then we can be cheerleaders for peeps who deserve it.

Buggy said...

Boo is a bad bad girl.

"interesting" LOL!

I almost replied.

frodis said...

Breezy knows her fruits!

frodis said...

And nuts.

Breezy said...

*snort* you're all nuts!

Bravie said...

I had a ban worthy response to her. But Boo and Breezy told me to calm down so I had to erase it.

Notice the time stamp? I didn't know that the library was open that late. And how does she get from the library to the shelter that late at night? And will the shelter even accept you that late at night?
Fucking whore of a bitch. I want to kick her fake homeless ass right now. Homeless my asshole.
EMTBORING. Go back to the Starting Over house. Fucking lying loser.
Whew. Got that out.

Anonymous said...

Buggy, I had to edit that one several times.

Yes, I am amused as well now, and I am determined just to have fun with it.

It must be a 24-hour library. Or else she's housesitting again. Or dog sitting. Or something. Always something.

She must be staying somewhere so that ABC and Disney can call.

Buggy said...

I have to know what Carey said.

I almost responed to Boo and asked if "interesting" was the new "rude"

I am so glad you said something Boo, well done.

Is there a salad bar at that shelter?

Bravie said...

Buggy, the salad bar is at the library. Everybody knows that.

I commented about her hours and about the library being open so late. the ban worthy part was something along the lines of me calling her a liar and then me waiting for her to come back and play her usual game of victim which nobody believes.
I have even had peeps who only lurk over there tell me that they think she is a nutjob (not to be compared with nutbar, nutbar is okay. because I am one. right Breezy?)
Where was I? Oh, peeps who don't even post over there anymore telling me that they don't believe her story and that they have always thought she was off.

Anonymous said...

I'm locked out of OT right now. Can't get in at all. Ruh Roh.

Bravie said...

I've been getting in no problem, Boo. You may need to reboot.

Kimmah said...


I didn't even respond to her because I knew if I did that I would be bitchy and she would latch on to that like a pit bull and then I'd be forced to have another tete a tete with her that would just piss me off and make me write bannable things.

She's a fucking loon. With a capital FUCKING.

I didn't even look at the timestamp, thank heavens, or I would have gone into orbit.

mtw said...

Dammit, you made me look (at OT).

FWIW, I like to ask for random additions to my water at restaurants. If someone else at my table asks for lemon, I'll ask for mango or pineapple. The strangest thing I've asked for my water was a slice of pepperoni. :)

Swami said...

You guys are so cute when you talk about OT.

Buggy said...

Don't you dare scare her away!
She's way too train-wreack entertaining to get rid of.

kim (weltek) said...

You know how to use the internet? First cucumbers, now this?

I thought the same thing about her post...she had said how her weight loss was so unhealthy and caused her to lose her job and she couldn't regain the necessary amount of weight.

Gawd I hate it when people lecture.

arkie said...

Oh, you mean, mean bullies. Now you've gone and done it. She's posted her good-bye thread on OT. I'm so sad. I think I'm going to cry. Not. I just hope no one talks her out of leaving. And you know some dumb-aras will try.

thndrkttn said...

Bwahaha Arkie! I was coming to here to say "Now you've gone and done it..." but I see you beat me to the punch. I have the perfect pic to post in that thread but I am really debating on whether I will get in trouble or not.

arkie said...

I just wish I knew who sent the PM that was the final straw. I'd like to send them a thank you note.

Tkit, post the pic on your blog. I'd love to see whatever it is, but I wouldn't want you to get in trouble just for my amusement.

Anonymous said...


I think I know who sent the PM, but I'm not going to say anything unless that person comes forward.

And while I think the Cucumber Pepsi is absolutely hilarious, I don't think it had anything to do with it.

frodis said...

My dollar says that she won't stay gone. I'll bet she comes back with a big ta-doo about how she's not going to let the bullies keep her down.

Buggy said...

Danggit, she was the best train wreck in a long time.
I think she just couldn't keep up the lies any longer and bailed out.

Interesting how she is so bullied and abused, yet it's perfectly okay to be rude and nasty to others. It's not like she hasn't told a whole lot of people off in her time there.

mtw said...

I think the PM included a link to Breezy's blog! :)

Kimmah said...

If you sent her the PM, would you PLEASE send me a copy of it because I would very much like to know what sent her over the edge-I have my suspicions about the content, but I want to see if I am correct.

Oh, and I think I kept my reply to her unbannable. It was a test of my writing skills like no other.

Bravie said...

Who sent the PM? Who, who who? I know it wasn't BReezy so who was it? Monsty? Not Buggy, she wanted EMTBoring to stay. So who? POTI wants to know.

Seana said...

Here it is! Here's the place to be annoyed by her! I didn't know! I have been annoyed for so long. I thought I was the only one who thought it was all a big fat lie. *sniff* Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I did not send the PM. I will tell you that much.

$20 says that either Tahj or Gag comes after me for it though. $20. And of all of the "well wishes" to her, Tahj or Gag will respond to me.

Buggy said...

Seana, BabY!
Come in out of the cold and join the mean people who never believed a word of that sob story.
Have some cucumber water!

I didn't PM her, I'm always too scared to be banned.

Buggy said...

I'm not taking that bet Boo

Breezy said...

Sorry Boo, I'm not taking that bet either.

Oh lordy. *snort*

Dave Clapper said...

If it weren't for the fact that some OTers have apparently actually met her, I'd swear she was Monkeyboy.

Zombs said...

Wow Breezy has a monster post in here too!

I too wonder who sent the PM or if there even was one.

I would never send a NEGATIVE PM to anyone. I sometimes forget to send positive ones...thats how bad I am.

Zombs said...

Ahhh anyone miss Doo Wah Ditty?

frodis said...

Imagine with me. . .

She comes back to see the reaction to her "goodbye cruel world" post. (Because, of course she will; you don't post an "I'm leaving don't stop me" post and then actually leave.)

She sees 161 replies.

She imagines weeping and gnashing of teeth, and 161 pleas of "No NO don't go my world will be nothing without you" posts. . .

She opens the thread.

And gets. . . THAT.

I'm satisfied. And amused.

That thread is about 14 shades of awesome.

Kimmah said...

i'm going to go read that thread just to amuse myself.

and when she comes back, i'm going to tell her about MY inbox which has at least eight PMs from people who think she's insane...and none of them are posting on this blog, either. so she can put that in her pipe and smoke it (assuming she can rustle up a match from the homeless shelter).

Bravie said...

I'm with ya, Kimmah. I have messages from peeps who don't even post there anymore who think she is a liar and a fake. Some from peeps in this blog, many not. :)

lights said...

Geez! Go away for a couple days and look at all the fun I missed. *grin*

That was one of the best threads I've read in a very long time!

~Nutz said...

I can't believe I missed all the fun stuff! *pouts*

Puffy said...

Looks like I missed something. I'll have to go back a week or so and check it out. *giggle*