Ok, Nookie heard back from Coco. She's busy with life, soI'll host this year.
If you want to participate in the 2007 Great Blogger Cookie Exchange, then sign up here and email me your address to Breezy929@yahoo.com. I will draw the names on Monday for who is sending where.
Is that too soon? Monday is long enough for everyone to sign up right?
Happy cookie making!
P.S. When you sign up here, please note any likes/dislikes or allergies. Thanks!
I'm in.
Where do we mention allergies/likes/dislikes???
here. In this post.
Ok. I have no food allergies and I like all cookies (except fig newtons).
I've heard about this but wasn't around last year. How does it work?
I'd like to participate. I like everything and am not allergic to any food. (Now, if you put cats or dogs in the cookies that's a different story.)
Sure, I'll play along.
I don't like raisins.
I prefer less chocolatey things.
I love almondy things.
I'll have to think about it.
*rolls eyes* at Boo
Frodis, everyone signs up, I draw names and give you two peeps to make cookies for and send to them. I think we each did two kinds last year? Or no we did one kind but you got two kind, since everyone has two peeps. *grin*
I like peanut butter. I have no allergies.
Oh what the heck....I'll play.
I don't like mint. Otherwise, I have no allergies or issues.
Oh, and I don't care for Penguin in my cookies.
I'm still pondering.
I know Boo, you're waiting for your new bf to post they will bake for you right?
I'm in.
No food allergies, and to me, there's no such thing as a bad cookie. Unless it's burnt.
Sadly, I'll have to sit this one out. I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you.
I'm in for the Annual 2007 Cookiez Exhange!
The only things I don't like in cookiez is nutz or chunks of fruit like fruitcake.
I think HD wants in. He sent me a PM yesterday about my new BF actually. And he mentioned the cookie exchange. I directed him here.
I'm in.
*points Boo up a few posts* HD was here. *grin*
Boo is so busy with her new best friend that she doesn't have time to read comments anymore.
Boo and Jbug sitting in a tree...
Maybe Boo will invite jbug to our cookie exchange! Oh, bad idea. Bravie might get her and poison her cookiez.
I'm sorry, I am failing to see the problem with that.
Oops, I thought Boo's new BF was someone else.
*snort* Boo has been very busy making new best friends.
I'll jump into this one too. How many cookies do we have to send to our 2 peeps?
I like yummy cookies.
Technically HD didn't say he was in. He just said he liked peanut butter and has no allergies.
*runs off to check PMs*
I'll keep you posted on June.
Oh, and I don't want any cookies that are not made with Boo-Nilla.
Oh, and I'm obviously not used to having to keep up so much in here.
Does Boo-nilla mean Boo likes getting pickled in alcohol?
I thought getting pickled in alcohol was my job.
I like pickles in pickle juice. Not alcohol.
I like pickles wrapped with ham and creamcheese.
FYI, Boo, right after I said I like peanut butter and have no allergies, I immediately sent my contact info to Breezy as instructed, but you were probably too busy with your new BFF to think about that.
*wrings hands*
Is it OK to say that? It's OK to lightly tease somebody right? Did I cross the line? If I did, somebody will tell me, right. Oh, woe is me!
Breezy, I like those ham creamcheese pickle thingys too. But they don't count as cookies.
I thought *I* was Boo's new BF. I came here to post that I'd bake for her. :)
Actually, that's not a bad idea. Maybe I could get in on this. Two ideas:
1) Assign me to two different peeps as a "bonus". Those two would now have three people baking for them.
2) If someone would like to receive cookies, but would rather not bake, I could be the sender and they could be the recipient.
I like all cookiez and have no allergies.
Thanks for hosting, Breezy!!!
I'm in too. I need to get back into the swing of things and I love to bake.
I'll send my info out to you momentarily. Thank you for hosting!
Ok, what is Boo-nilla. Cause if it is something good, I might want them in my cookies too.
DF, you need to pay attention more. Boonilla is vanilla. :)
Well I got the vanilla part, but I thought maybe it was "special" vanilla. I like to be special, you know.
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