Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Yeesh ya whiners! Yes I know I've been back for awhile.... it is still tax season ya know.
So anyhoo....

Hawaii was gorgeous, 86 and sunny everyday. We practically lived in our bathing suits the entire time. :)

We did tons of walking and used the city buses to get all around. DD and I went to a flea market one day and spent a bunch on cool clothes and jewelry. I also got some nasty blisters on the bottoms of my feet that day, made walking that night and the next day not a whole lot of fun. Luckily that next day was the day we went snorkeling. Snorkeling was so cool!!! It took me a little while to get over the panic of breathing thru my mouth into a tube.... but DD was a fish. She even went out in the deeper water with my brother to explore.

I would love to go back and spend more time there. Here's some pics for you all to be jealous of. :)


Bravie said...

It's about freaking time. Jeeez, Louise. I mean Thelma. *grin*
Great pictures. I absolutely love the one of you and Breezygirl. You should print that out and frame it.

Bravie said...

Oh, my artichoke is finished cooking. So I can go back out on to the patio and lay in the sun some more. *smirk*

Breezy said...

*whack* we have thunderstorms here.

Bravie said...

Oh gosh, I'm sorry. *smirk* If it makes you feel better, I am not soaking up the sun anymore. I looked in the mirror at my back and I got enough sun for the day. Got a little burned, I did. *big grin*

Anonymous said...

Awwww. Three generations of beautiful Breezy Girls.

I'm glad you're back! I was about to post something really smahtarased in Weltek's blog, but then I checked here first.

I think it's supposed to be warm here today. I'm wearing capris. And they're white. And one sandal. And one boot.

momma said...

OMG. Love, love, love the pictures. You are quite hot and Breezygirl is a gorgeous young woman. I'm with Carey, you need to frame the pic of you and Breezygirl.

Looks like a beautiful, wonderful, fun vacation.

Bravie said...

I like the generation picture too, Boo. That's another one that you should print out Breezy.

Swami said...

Oh, that looks so gorgeous! I wanna go back to Hawaii! The last time I was there was 2004.

Monstah said...

Both BreezyGal and you are just breathtaking. Absolutely stunning! I like beach Breezy waaaaaaaay more than I like biker Breezy.

And your hair looks hott.

Zombs said...

I want to echo the hair sentiment by Monsty! Nice hair!

Breezy girl looks photoshopped in the Waikiki picture. But I think most Hawaii pictures do. The scenery is just unreal looking.

So jealous and I do love the one with you, mom and Breezy girl.

Jen said...

Woohoo! Love the pics, Breezy. They (and all of you) are just beautiful.

Puffy said...

Gorgeous pictures. I especially like the one of Breezy girl in the pink outfit with you in the black top. The sunset and beach shots are beautiful.

lights said...

Wow, those are some beautiful Breezy women! The scenery wasn't bad either.


kim (weltek) said...

OMG, it's gorgeous! I want to be in Hawaii!

LOL at Breezygirl and her pink wardrobe!

You are looking tanned & toned, my dear! I love your black outfit in the pic with your family.

yvonne said...

Great pics, Hawaiian Breezy! You look so happy!
