Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blogging for 2012

I miss it. I'm trying to think up a challenge for myself to use my blogs again next year.

I'm thinking of like I did before on my Healthy one doing recipes once a week. Maybe a craft or a craft idea once a week on my craft one and then some sort of update here?

Take the challenge with me?


Kim W said...

Yes! Me, too!

darcidoe said...

How about a dirty limerick every week on this one?

Breezy said...

*snort* Maybe I'll do the Madgab phrases again.

kim (weltek) said...

Just tell us about your life, even if it seems boring! I miss knowing what people are thinking, happy about, struggling with, etc.

Breezy said...

But my life is boring! *grin*

Puffy said...

Kim spoke my mind.

kim (weltek) said...

Your challenge isn't going very well. :-)