Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wheezy & Ayla- then and now

 Wheezy & Ayla, March 2008.  Wheezy's first book signing.  It was in a local book store in Holland.

Wheezy & Ayla, October 2011.  Barnes & Noble was full of excited fans, the line was out the door!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Been awhile

And as I reread the front page here, I'm still in that same "bump" space I was a year ago. How sad!

I have a new, brand new treadmill. I've used it twice. *hangs head*

Ayla is in marching band again this year and I'm even more involved with the board this year, I'm a trustee on the board even! This weekend we will be at the Silverdome, we leave Friday after school and perform on Saturday. I'm chaperoning. *shiver* Sleeping on a gym floor. *double shiver*

I walked the 3 Day in MI this year, did you see my summary?

What's new with you?