Friday, January 16, 2009

Maybe it's a sign?

I've been thinking about buying myself an iTouch.

hmmmmmmm I wonder how much they'll be marked down at Circuit City?

I feel bad for the 34,000 losing their jobs. Especially those here, since our town already ranks #1 in the nation in jobs lost. *sigh*

So the only ray of sunshine may be that I get a good deal on a new toy for me. Maybe?


Bravie said...

Heh, my Mom has been looking for a Wii around town. I was going to tell her to try Circuit City.

darcidoe said...

If it is going to be like when CompUSA closed. The deals are far and few between. Keep looking there though it could happen. But Apple is pretty clear on what amount they can sell those for.

Puffy said...

I like all the "i" names.

Breezy said...

That's what I was thinking too Darc. I doubt the Apple stuff will be marked down. That's even if they have anything left from Christmas.

Kimmah said...

when our circuit city went belly-up the prices in the store were jacked sky high and then discounts came from there. for example, a ceiling mount for a video projector was still 78 bucks three days before they closed.

Kimmah said...

I think this is something I'm going to lobby for as a birthday gift. I'm tired of my laptop and its issues and my old Nano won't hold enough music and can't do video at all.

yvonne said...

If you get one report back on it. My iPod is the old mini, and although it is still awesome, I've been looking at getting a new one.

Swami said...

I have no idea what an iTouch is, but it sounds dirty.

Glowie said...

Shawn said he was going to get me one of these for my birthday but wanted to ask me which gadget I was currently most interested in. I said, "What's wrong with my current iPod?" He said he thought I liked the iTouch... which I do, I just don't have a use for a new one yet. A camera with a nice big zoom, otoh, I could very much use.

Let me know how it works though! If I ever need a new one, I'd like the Touch.