Thursday, May 24, 2007

Decluttering.... again

I'm probably moving again this summer, so I've started looking at the mess of boxes in the basement that never got unpacked. I'm guessing that I don't need the stuff in those boxes. What should I do with them? I really don't think I want to have a garage sale. I know some of the boxes contain Disney VCR movies and Care Bear stuff. Should I just bring that stuff to Goodwill? Anyone want it?

Anyone want to come to my house and help me? *grin* We can have a garage sale and I'll let you have the proceeds. *grin*


Glowie said...

Get rid of it! Yes, Goodwill! I have so much useless crap in boxes that just takes up space. ugh.

I have a better idea. You do yours and come over and help me.

momma said...

Yes, get rid of it. However, email me with a list first. Cause there might be something I "need". *snort*

Anonymous said...

I'm all for giving away. When Conner was a baby, I would take his stuff to the consignment store or try to sell it because it was nice stuff. But it just wasn't worth it.

I have been giving a lot of his old (but still good) toys to his daycare, and the rest I just give to Goodwill.

Breezy said...

I'm sending you the Land Before Time stuff Momma. *giggle*

momma said...

By the way, I now have FIVE freaking Donkeys. *rolls eyes*

Breezy said...

*snort* Ayla will be getting a Happy Meal tonight. I still only have Shrek and donkey.

momma said...

I have the boy...what's his name? And FIVE effing Donkeys.

momma said...

Make that six. And next time I whine that I want something, please remind me of this overflow of Donkeys.

Aislinn Sirk said...

I'm just looking for shoes. I think you stoled them from my blog.

Bravie said...

Send me all of your 49er stuff. And your Tampa Bay stuff. And money. If there is money in the boxes, I want the money.
And can we have a yard sale instead of a garage sale?

Breezy said...

Yes it will be a yard sale, since I don't have a garage. *grin*

kevingrout said...

Just drop all your kids stuff at my place on your way through Canada :-)

Puffy said...

Our neighborhood is going to have a neighborhood garage/yard sale in August and I'm going to get rid of a lot of stuff then. It's great, because I don't have to pay for any newspaper ads.

Swami said...

I hate throwing stuff away, but then I don't move often. I like my stuff.

yvonne said...

Decluttering is very satisfying. Sadly, I seem to do a lot of it. I wish I was more uncluttered, but stuff just seems to accumulate.

Whatever you do Breezy, do NOT send your stuff to me. I beg of you.

kim (weltek) said...

Yep, take it to Goodwill and take the tax deduction.

I don't have a good location for a garage sale, so I never do it. Maybe this summer I will suck it up.