Friday, April 06, 2007

Maybe Easter Kitty

One of these little beauties might come home with me this weekend. These are the two females, there's also a couple grey males and black male.

I love the tortoise one's face, and I love the little patches of orange on the light grey one. I'll probably let DD decide which one.

Which one do you want?


Bravie said...

I want them all. *pout*

Zombs said...

I'll take the one in the purple sweater.

kim (weltek) said...

Kitties! You are the best mom evah! Wait...what will Morgan think?

I've always wanted a gray kitten, though, so probably the top one. But two would be better. :-)

Breezy said...

I would get two if I didn't already have Morgan.

Morgan will love it, something to chase and chew on in the house! Instead of only chasing the neighbors rabbits, chickens, ducks, and geese.

Swami said...

Oh, for cute! I want them both! The black tortoise shell looks just like my cat Sugi, who died last summer at the ripe old age of 19.

Aislinn Sirk said...

You are the meanest mean that ever was mean.

Bob <--- wants a kitty

Bravie said...

But it's not nice to blow up kitties, Bob. Not nice at all.

HistoryDetective said...

I like the gray one better, but I hope they both find a good home.

momma said...

I want the black tortoise one...She's toooooo cute and looks like she's got more personality.

Of course, the gray would match Princess Belle, so......

Aislinn Sirk said...

I just came back to glare at breezy.

Schnookie said...

Awwwwwwwwww so cute.

Take the grey one.

Monstah said...

Meeeeeeee-owwwwww over your HOTT, long layers in your hair! You get the award for best hair. I am jealous.

Cute little meow-meows! I bet Coco would take one.

mm said...

So, did you get one?

*prepares to take the other one*

Breezy said...

Monsty, that's not me in the purple sweater.

We got the torty.

momma said...

And her name is...........

Breezy said...

She's been called...

Short Bus

Pebbles is the current name.

momma said...

Short Bus?! *giggle*

momma said...

DH calls Belle 'Crackhead'

kim (weltek) said...

Awww, Pebbles is a perfect name for that cat!

Breezy said...

That was BF's suggestion, Short Bus. The sad part? It fits the kitten. *snort*

Glowie said...

awwwwwwwww. You should go back and get another one.

If I would have gotten here on time and I HAD to pick one, I'd have said the torty. Shawn's cat (that lived at his parents' house) died a few months ago. She looked kind of like that. Her name was RJ. I have no idea what it stood for. He got her from his college roommate that moved out and left her with Shawn. So I think you should name her RJ but make it stand for something really great. :)

Pebbles is a cute name. heh. Short Bus.

momma said...

I think her full name should be Pebbles "Short Bus" Breezylastname-Aylalastname.

Breezy said...

*snort* I told DD we could call her Shorty for short. *grin*

kim (weltek) said...

I thought we called you, Shorty.

Calling the cat Shorty would just confuse things.

kim (weltek) said...

I will leave my post there despite my stray comma.

momma said...

LOL @ Kimmer!

Breezy said...

*snort* I'm not short! I'm just heighth challenged.

Glowie said...

I came back to look at cute kitty pictures.

*rests coffee mug on Breezy's head*

Puffy said...

Nice sweater and silky looking hair on the human mama. I'd pick the torty. Oh wait, you already did.

~Nutz said...

Awww! Such cutie pies! You should have got both of them! :D

I think you should name her *poot*

Swami said...

I like Pebbles too! My animals always wind up with names that end in with an -ee sound.

So is the gray one still available? You could name her Bam-Bam.

momma said...

It's not Easter anymore.

kim (weltek) said...

Could you post some new pics of this new kitten, please?

momma said...

It's still not Easter.

And there are only 2 more days! 48 more hours! Yay! You've almost survived!