Friday, December 15, 2006

Last Packages!

Wooohoooo I'm sending out the last of my packages today. :) That makes me very happy.

Do you have to send out a lot of packages at this time of year? Do you use the post office or one of those other places?

I wish I wasn't at work so I could celebrate this feat with a drink. *evil grin*


Bravie said...

I use FedEx and UPS through my work.
I have another bottle of wine in my desk. We could sip on that. *evil grin*

Breezy said...

LOL but wine makes me sleepy and I have a long drive this afternoon.

Bravie said...

Well then more for me. *grin*

Swami said...

Since I am at home I bravely offer to have a drink for you.

I use UPS or the Post Office. I would like to use FedEx because I think it is a bit cheaper but there is no FedEx counter near me.

I sent out a bunch of packages at the beginning of December. Well if six is a bunch I did. (Not counting the cookie exchange packages here.)

Jen said...

Seeing as how I haven't bought any gifts yet, I don't have any packages to send. But when (if) I do, I use the UPS at work.

Schnookie said...

I always go to the Mailbox Inc by work. Packages are shipped either UPS or DHL .. whichever one is less expensive.

I pay more to go there rather than the Post Office but it is so much more convenient.

I do not, however, buy regular stamps there because they mark them up. I just go next door to the Hallmark store where they sell stamps at cost.

Schnookie said...

And, I didn't have many packages to send this year as I'm going home for Xmas.

Anonymous said...

I don't really have many packages to send. Usually only to on-line peeps. Yours pushed me over my regular 3 shipment.

I just go to the UPS store down the street, next to Panera. I suppose I could use Fed-Ex at work, but then I would have to explain to somone else, and that would just make things complicated.

I hate the post office. Hate it. Those people don't care how long you stand in line.

Breezy said...

Really? I started using the Post Office last year, and I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised. Very helpful, cheaper and gets there faster sometimes. But I live in Podunk. *grin*

mm said...

I sent a package earlier in the year (a baby gift) and it was a big ordeal for me. I've mastered going to the grocery store, and some other familiar places, but places like the post office intimidate me to death. :(

Good for you, Breezy!

And welcome to blogland!


Jen said...

I got your card! And it's not smooshed at all. :D
It's so cute! Did you make that?
Thank you! *smoooooooooooch*

Breezy said...

*SMOOCH* Glad it got there unsmooshed Jen. Yep I made it. *grin*

Jen said...

*stares in awe at Breezy's crafting skillz* *grin*

Zombs said...

Zombs don't do post offices.

I order everything online if I have a long distance gift. Sad isn't it?

Bravie said...

Michelle said that you were too wordy in your Christmas card and wants to know if you can tone it down next year. *giggle*

Breezy said...

*snort* Tell Michelle to bite me.

Bravie said...

LOL. But she did comment on the fine craftsmenship. We both thought the card was awesome. *smooch*

yvonne said...

Nice blog. Very purty. It looks familiar, though.


Breezy said...

LMAO I realized that after I picked the template. But I can't think of anyone better to copy. *smooch*

Puffy said...

*looks around* Very nice, nice blog. I like it. I use the post office. It's close and I'm able to go at uncrowded times.

Swami said...

Wait. You made that card!?! I thought it was a store bought!

Breezy said...

Peeps rarely would receive a store bought card from me Swami. *grin* I'm a crafty dork.

Anonymous said...

*cues Beastie Boys*

She's crafty . . .

momma said...

I got my card too! Yay!

Breezy said...

Did you get your package Boo? Momma?