Thursday, December 28, 2006

Should I?

Ford will be lying in state (I think that's what it's called) close to me next week. Do ya'll think I should take time off work to bring Ayla there to experience it?

Or is any death just to be avoided? I can't imagine we would ever have this chance again. So I'm torn on deciding what to do.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Ho Ho

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas.

I only have to work a half day today.... if you can call what I'm doing today work. *grin*

Thursday, December 21, 2006

*pout* No snow

No white Christmas for me this year, this makes me sad. I like snow at Christmas, it's so pretty. If you have snow, share some with me please. Thankyou.

On another note, one of the suckiest things about being single? Not being able to reach the pimple that is driving you nuts in the middle of your back. *sigh*

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Agree with the Blond(e)

Remember to enjoy the small things in our life, to hug our friends and family every time we can and tell them we love them.

I love you guys! *sniff*

p.s. This also helps us to not become bitter old hags.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Last Packages!

Wooohoooo I'm sending out the last of my packages today. :) That makes me very happy.

Do you have to send out a lot of packages at this time of year? Do you use the post office or one of those other places?

I wish I wasn't at work so I could celebrate this feat with a drink. *evil grin*

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I don't care what anyone says about y'all. I love you all. *smooch*

*sobs* I have the bestest friends in the world.

My care/comfort package arrived and was truly a wonderful surprise.

*sobs* I love you guys.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Being helpful

I just listened to Taylor Hicks new CD on Rhapsody.... save your money people. yeesh.

Hey!!! I am cool. I was just trying to be helpful. *grin* Isn't that nice of me?

Monday, December 11, 2006


For the most part, I hope to keep this place upbeat. But? I have a downbeat thing to post today.

I haven't talked much about my divorce, some of you probably didn't even know that DH and I were having trouble. But anyway.... it was final Friday. I drank way tooooo much Friday and am still feeling it today. Not good. I just wanted everyone in blogland to know that I am a single Mom again.

Oh? And a favor... if I start acting like a bitter old hag? Please shake me. Thankyou.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Hi. So this is blogging. *grin*

*sips chai latte*

*eats lemon bar*

I got cookies!!!!!

*eats almond candycane cookie*

mmmmmm from both of my peeps!

I received some wonderful lemon bars and sugar cookie bars (I think, they're yummy whatever they are) from Nutzy!!! They came in some very pretty tins. (I feel bad for sending mine in boring packages now.) DD has claimed the sugar bars for herself... I think it's the purple sugar sprinkle on top. *giggle*

Carey sent me some of my favorite almond candycane cookies. mmmmmm so good.

*smooch* to my cookie peeps!

*waves* to all the bloggers.